Shoulder Conditions

  • Shoulder PainShoulder Pain

    Pain in the shoulder may suggest an injury, which is more common in athletes participating in sports such as swimming, tennis, pitching, and weightlifting.

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  • Shoulder ProblemsShoulder Problems

    Shoulder injuries in baseball players are usually associated with pitching. While this overhand throwing activity can produce great speed and distance for the ball, when performed repeatedly, can place a lot of stress on the shoulder.

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  • Shoulder ArthritisShoulder Arthritis

    The term arthritis literally means inflammation of a joint but is generally used to describe any condition in which there is damage to the cartilage.

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  • Shoulder InstabilityShoulder Instability

    Shoulder instability is a chronic condition that causes frequent dislocation of the shoulder joint.

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  • Shoulder ImpingementShoulder Impingement

    Shoulder impingement is the inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joint. It is one of the most common causes of pain in the shoulder. 

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  • Frozen ShoulderFrozen Shoulder

    Frozen shoulder, also called adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by pain and loss of motion in the shoulder joint. It is more common in older adults aged between 40 and 60 years and is more common in women than men.

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  • SLAP TearsSLAP Tears

    The term SLAP (superior –labrum anterior-posterior) lesion or SLAP tear refers to an injury of the superior labrum of the shoulder.

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  • Fractures and DislocationsShoulder

    A break in a bone that makes up the shoulder joint is called a shoulder fracture, while shoulder dislocation is the sliding of the upper arm bone, the ball portion, from the glenoid–the socket portion of the shoulder due to a sports injury or an accident. The dislocation might be a partial or complete causing pain and shoulder joint instability

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